Load ’er up

Brand Identity, Packaging Design
Entry level dabs? We got you. There’s a market for just about every successful brand out there – “value brands” are no exception. Noticing that loyalty among potential customers was predominantly at the top and bottom of the market, Smokey Point Productions (Junes, ox) tapped Perez design to help strategize an affordable extract brand for those who appreciated quality, but not the pricing that is typically associated with it. With copious amounts of “b-grade” extracts (that frankly were most brands “a-grade”) SPP was able to ensure retailers were consistently stocked, with all three strain types, at a very low price point. So we coined Big Rig. A play on words to connote, potency, reliability, and affordability by the truckload – also Big Rig, and “dab rig“ just played well. This move provided a new stream of revenue (happy CFO) and a new market segment (happy consumer).