Brother Jon’s
Branding Pub

Brand Identity
Before Bro Jo’s became two of Bend’s local favorite places to grab a burger and a pint, it was an idea for something more than just a pub. At the time (2009) the town of Bend was seeing the beginning of some significant growth, and there were few true non-brewery pubs that served up tasty vittles and a great selection of regional craft beer – with an east coast nod that included readily available bottles of Rolling Rock to boot. Two of the partners from one of Bend’s OG Soup & Sandwich kitchens, The Downtowner, wanted to create a pub that would bring together locals for good times and tasty meals after a day on the hill or on the trail. The pub identity is/was a homage to the mountains, river, and great regional craft beers. The name is a direct pull from the original settlers name for Mt. Bachelor – Brother Jonathan. With all the ingredients for the identity set, a brand was born.
Assists: Illustration Keith Witmer